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BMW R75/6

Pipe dreams

New exhaust system for our 1975 BMW R75/6

(Guy 'Guido' Allen, December 28, 2024)

Our recently-acquired BMW R75/6 has turned out to be money well spent. It's an easy-going and thoroughly enjoyable ride – perfectly capable of tackling just about any long trip you care to throw it at.

This is a machine we bought earlier in 2024 and you can see the feature on it here.

bmw r75/6 pipe

The one fly in the proverbial ointment was the exhaust system, which was getting tired – something we were warned of when we bought it. Old age had simply got to it and components such as the crossover section at the front (above) were being held together by a mix of optimism and delicate welds.

After a bit of casting around we came across a stainless steel set that looked promising, made by Keihan Systems in the UK and retailed by Motorworks. It landed in Australia for Au$1500 (US$920, GB£730).

bmw r75 pipes

The new system is a very close visual replica of the original and better finished. That's the two side-by side, above, with the original at the top of the pic.

bmw r75 tool

Removal of the headers requires a special tool to tackle the finned nut. Ours (above and below) is a cast aluminium unit that fits to a socket 3/4-inch socket wrench.

bmw r75 tool

Some lubricant and a gentle tap with a rubber mallet got things moving. Fortunately a friend reminded me to apply a little copper grease to the threads when it was reassembled.

bmw r75 header

The headers are sealed with what appear to be two tapered brass flanges, with no requirement for pastes and the like – simple and very effective.

r75 engine

One very happy surprise was how easily the new system went together, There was no swearing, bending or hammering involved. Incredible! This was by far the easiest exhaust installation I've ever tackled.

r75 muffler

The quality of the system is excellent and it sounds identical to the original. Great stuff.

bmw r75/6

That, for the time being, is the final job on the R75/6. It's in good survivor rather than concours condition, which is how it will stay. I don't see any point in going down the restoration rabbit hole and would prefer to simply enjoy it. Happy days!

bmw r75/6


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