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The Beattie Files

Welcome to a selection of excerpts is from Beattie's wild and woolly book (below). So far as we know it's had one brief print run and he's threatening to do another. Watch this space.

1. First love and a very warm ride

This was the precise moment when I knew I was doomed to ride motorcycles for the rest of my life. I was totally absorbed in the experience...see it here.

2. Mountain Mayhem

Trial by fire and the legend of Ajay...see it here.

3. You meet the nicest people on a Harley

Young Beattie continues on life’s great adventure, meeting a bro in a brothel, and learning about use-by dates on bullets…see it here.

4. Shock & Awe – it's a V8 mate!

Getting to grips with a toy that defies all the rules of nature...see it here.

5. Harleys, guns and passports

In which young Beattie meets Dave Barr, the gun-toting definition of a colourful character...see it here.

6. A night with Tassie Bob

Fisherman, footballer, fighter, adventurer, bar manager and a world-class story-teller, Tassie Bob left a lasting impression on our intrepid travellers...see it here.

7. Amber the multi-tasker

Trying to stage-manage a photo shoot at the 2001 world launch of the Harley-Davidson V-Rod turned into a big day out...see it here.

8. The Battle of Daly Waters

How a relatively simple plan to ride Harley panheads across the country turned into something way more dangerous involving fireworks and a bus-load of Swedish backpackers...see it here.

beattie book

In the meantime he can be contacted by email.


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